Happy Saturday my Birds of Paradise.  I hope this beautiful sunny day finds you all well and in great spirits, (even if you may still be just a teeny bit hung over on too much red wine and reggae).  Here's to the weekend everyone! 

 I woke up this morning feeling refreshed, motivated, and in the mood for a nice long walk on the beach. There is nothing like sunshine, balmy breezes, blue skies and the sound of the ocean, to make you appreciate what's really important in life. I spent so much time counting my paradisaical blessings that morning turned to afternoon which is when I saw her again; the girl with the rosary beads who had no compunctions on wearing stilettos to the beach. Now that's gangster! So gangster that if you remember, she was the subject of my first Beach-Side Runway clutching a pair of Jimmy Choos.  I had seen her a few times before and found her interesting because as you can see, she is not inclined to wear a sarong, caftan or T-shirt over her bathing suit but instead what she likes to call "Beachy Garb".   What is "Beachy Garb" you might ask?  Anything she "...develops a sudden affinity for on her way out the door that has room for a bathing suit underneath."  By the way, her name is Mai and she was quite insistent that since we seem to be making this a habit, we let you know that,  "Number one, I'm not really a picture person."  She softly clarified while pointedly using her right forefinger to touch her left. "And two," now grabbing middle finger and wiggling it around, "boy or girl, you don't ever need any special reason, occasion, or anyone's permission, to wear a crown and feel like the Princess you are."   I'm so loving that, I've already began my search for the appropriate crown.

XOXO from Paradise,


Dunedin, FLORIDA
Gulf of Mexico

Paradise Princess