
What are you doing today? Hanging out? Recuperating from an event filled weekend we hope? That's what I'm doing today; just cooling out with you, enjoying a lazy Sunday in Paradise.  To the right of my keyboard sit three (you can't just have one) unusually large East Indian mangoes.   Now if you don't know what those are, I feel so sorry for you. Truly.  I'm not showing off, just put a note to self  and the next time you visit Paradise, find some.  So, as I was saying, I am relaxing with this tempting plate of juicy ripe mangoes by my side. They smell absolutely amazing and I am certain they will taste even better. You must know how much  you all mean to me if I chose to chit chat with you first, instead of devouring them first.  But I just wanted to tell you all to do something different today.  Go to  your local market and by some exotic fruits you have never tried before and have a taste test.  Or find an exotic recipe to try for dinner.  Anything. As long as it is different.  Turn a Sunday into a day where you find a way to explore outside you cultural boundaries whether it is through food, friends or music and them tell me all about it.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Enjoy your Sunday!


Somewhere in Paradise

Hanging Out



 via: www.lony.com

via: www.costalliving.com