As you know here at Portrait of Paradise our motto is: Paradise is not just a state of mind, but a lifestyle. It based on the understanding that the paradisical is not solely about location, weather or fashions but also about the tastes and smells of the tropics. We often go on vacation not only for a momentary escape but to sample all the cultural and epucurian delights of the place we visit. After departing, we often lament on the delicious and exotic meals we sampled but are unable to recreate. Portrait of Paradise would like to remedy that by offering quick, easy recipes from Ports of Paradise all over the globe so that though you may have to return from your travels, your taste buds do not. Here is the first of many in our Taste of Paradise Series:

Spicy Mango Salad Dressing
Our recent visit to Mango Restaurant in Fort Lauderdale, Florida has reawakened a long held penchant I have had for the fruit mango. The sweet fleshy fruit has been a favorite of mine since childhood and have been used in recipes by my family for generations. This Spicy Mango Salad Dressing is a easy to make and a quick way to add a taste of paradise to any green salad at home.
1. Flesh from 2 ripe mangos
(approximately 2 to 3 cups)
2. 1/3 cup water
3. 1/2 avocado, pitted and skinned
4. 1 and 1/2 tblspns spicy Dijon mustard
5. 1 dash of powdered ginger
Combine ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly.
Serve on fresh greens.
Makes about 1 cup