It has been regarded by some as that almost forbidden piece of paradise closed off from most of the free world, (from where we secretly purchase premium cigars and wonder what life is like for the average person much less dedicated fashionista). My fashion fascination with Cuba began when my brother and sister-in-law decided to "do something different" and spend their honeymoon in a place known for its pearl white sand beaches, breath-taking colonial architecture and ornate diverse cultural history.
Blogger Nelia of shows us a little of the sidewalk runway.

By the way here is five things you probably never knew about Cuba:
1. When Christopher Columbus first happened upon Cuba in 1492 he thought he had landed in China.
2. Ernest Hemingway wrote “The Old Man and the Sea” and “For whom the Bell Tolls” whilst living in Cuba.
3. Cuba is the birth place of Bacardi Rum, although Bacardi moved to Puerto Rico after Castro’s takeover.
4. The Cubans refer to their island as ‘El Cocodrilo’ - viewed from above Cuba is said to resemble a crocodile.
5. Cuba is the most populated country in the whole of the Caribbean. The population of Cuba totals more than eleven million.